Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Be Careful What You Wish For

We got a real snow day yesterday, and it is another today, without melting in sight. The streets are slick with snow and ice, and no one is stirring. The kids were sledding down our driveway and over at the park yesterday, we pulled groceries home on a sled, and even the freeway is silent. Today we all slept in, sure that the schools had already decided to stay closed for the day. This year we are having a real winter.

So glad I bought that light therapy lamp.

On the laptop: eHow to Brush Your Daughter's Hair
On the easel: Severus and Fergus, the Scotties
On the art table: leftover christmas wrapping
On the nightstand: How to Write a Damn Good Mystery
On tape: An Unsuitable Job For a Woman
On my mind: Kitchen renovation, bathroom renovation, spousal travel, approaching birthdays, gray hairs, mystery writing, exercise

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