Thursday, January 11, 2007

Anything Can Happen on a Snow Day

It might even snow.
Last night we had a light dusting of snow on Portland and the surrounding region. This is big news here, and cause for deck dancing celebration by the kids under the dark of the snow. But in the morning I had no doubt that they would get ready for school and head off for the day, and I would drive drive drive the ususal routine.

Then we got a call, asking if school was 2 hours late this am, and could I check the website before the morning carpool driver went on her rounds. And behold, all the Portland schools were closed for the day. There was rejoicing, glee and smiles as wide as the horizon, among the kids.

Who can blame them? We can go years without a snow day here, though this is really more an "icy driving conditions" day. We're going to make brownies and play.

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