Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Jello Film

Writing can be a lonely business. We hide in our offices, or in plain sight at the local Starbucks, alone. I know of a writer who likes to whip out scenes at Denny's. I think this is a bold move. Someday I'll try it. I like the idea of the never ending glass of Diet Coke, but I'm supposed to be caffeine-free.

So when I know others in the same kind of row boat, taking the oars independently but on a parallel voyage, I am grateful to know they are out there, making headway, racking up the word count and equally out of touch with humanity.

One such writer is Gail Jeidy. We met at school I think, or was it our daughers' basketball game? We were both working on memoirs. We were both thinking of going to the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference in Seattle. So we carpooled together in her minivan, two writer mamas in search of the elusive agent or publisher.

She recently completed her MFA and as part of that, created a short film, as well as several longer works. It is brilliant and illustrates her dry humor with aplomb. So I present to you: The Jello Film

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